Saturday 4 April 2015

Modelling the Writing Process

One of our recent staff meetings was dedicated to a workshop on modelling strategies for pupils - particularly in writing. Our idea was to work through a series of activities with some of the staff as pupils and some as observers while we 'taught' a lesson. The learning intention was to create a shared understanding of AfL (assessment for learning) and reflect on how the modelling process helps support children as writers. One of the challenges is to have a very clear idea of what you want the children to write but getting them to write it! Children share their ideas on a whiteboard and work either alone or with a partner on ideas with the teacher facilitating, prompting and collating as appropriate - you never know quite what they will contribute. It's important that teachers model these thinking processes and share what's going on in their heads if children are going to understand and make links to what's going on in theirs.

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