Friday 29 January 2016

Teaching for Mastery...

We have begun some excellent CPD run by the Solent Maths Hub on teaching primary mathematics for mastery. The aims of the initial day were to develop our ideas on maths mastery and provide an introduction to the principles and practices of teaching for mastery. We are also developing a shared understanding of what mastery means and how we can spot it in mathematics lessons and how rich tasks can support teachers and children in their understanding.

A good quote from the day:
Mastery is not just being able to memorise key facts and procedures and answer test questions accurately and quickly. It involves knowing ‘why’ as well as knowing ‘that’ and knowing ‘how’. It means being able to use one’s knowledge appropriately, flexibly and creatively and to apply it in new and unfamiliar situations.

The essential idea behind mastery is that all children need a deep understanding of the mathematics they are learning so that:
  • future mathematical learning is built on solid foundations which do not need to be re-taught; 
  • there is no need for separate catch-up programmes due to some children falling behind; 
  • children who, under other teaching approaches, can often fall a long way behind, are better able to keep up with their peers, so that gaps in attainment are narrowed whilst the attainment of all is raised.
Try and do the task above and consider the knowledge and skills that you would need to carry it out...

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