Monday 9 January 2017

Southampton Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI)

The local authority have created a set of maps plotting our school and pupils (year R-11) with an IDACI layer identifying areas of higher and lower deprivation. 

The maps are based on data from the Autumn census (2016) and the latest IDACI (2015) data. These maps might therefore enable anyone to observe the relationship between attainment and levels of deprivation.

What is IDACI?

IDACI is the ‘Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index’, a subset of the Index of Multiple Deprivation. The index itself represents the proportion of children under the age of 16 within an LSOA that live in low-income households. A higher raw score is therefore an indicator that an LSOA is more deprived.

You can look up IDACI values (by postcode) yourself here:     
IDACI may be used as a deprivation factor in the new national funding formula for 2017/2018.

What do the maps show?

IDACI provides a raw score and a national ranking (within England) of each Lower-layer Super Output Area (LSOA). We have divided this data into quintiles (5 groups of 20%) and used it as a source for thematic mapping of the deprivation index in five ‘bands’. These five bands are based on the highest and lowest IDACI scores for the whole country. Pupils in band 1 live in an LSOA which is in the top 20% of most deprived LSOAs in the country with pupils in band 5 belonging to the 20% least deprived in the country.  This overlays a base map of Southampton along with the relevant school, and a map object (‘point’) representing each postcode in which there is a pupil on roll at your school.

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